It's been a while since I've posted here, but honestly I haven't had much to post. I've been practicing at home, finding new music to dance to, creating my home dance studio, researching dancers, and writing some articles. It has been a "dancer retreat," so to speak.
I'm starting to come out of this retreat. Yesterday I found some space to teach. It's a beautiful dance studio, great location, lots of parking, and time available on Saturday morning. I guess I'm going to be moving forward on that front and get started promoting myself as a teacher (a new concept for me). It's a little scary yet exciting at the same time.
Now I'm getting ready to get back to performing more and I have to start registering for festivals. Stay tuned on that front.
In other news, I'll be in San Francisco at the end of July and early August. It will be a busy week:
Sunday, 7/29: Dancing at my friend Elva's birthday party at Al Masri restaurant. It will be live music night too.
Friday, 8/3: Dancing at Al Masri
Saturday, 8/4: Dancing at Carnival of Stars
Sunday, 8/5: Dancing at Carnival of Stars after-party
I hope to see you soon!
I literally jupmed out of my chair and danced after reading this!
Posted by: Munin | July 18, 2012 at 04:50 AM